IoT Blog Written By Experts For Experts

Insights from on IoT device management, security, partners & more

Photo of Tyler Baker

Posted on Jan 29, 2021 by Tyler Baker

4 min read

It has been a busy and exciting year on the technical side at Foundries.​io.

Photo of Andy Doan

Posted on Jan 20, 2021 by Andy Doan

3 min read

Talking about security requires precision. However, precise language can be hard to digest for even most technical audiences . What follows is what I call a "pepperoni pizza" article .

Device Management

Fiotest - part II

Photo of Andy Doan

Posted on Nov 20, 2020 by Andy Doan

4 min read

Part II of the fiotest series series will focus on some examples of what you can do with fiotest. Hopefully you'll find some inspiration and things you can copy/paste into your own tests.

Device Management

Fiotest - part I

Photo of Andy Doan

Posted on Nov 1, 2020 by Andy Doan

6 min read

We've been using a tool called "fiotest" for months now, but haven't really explained the what, why, and how. This is the first part of a small series of articles to explain fiotest.

Posted on Oct 20, 2020 by Trina Watt

5 min read

Secure OTA updates and a unified software platform are the keys.

Docker Containers

How Devices Use Docker

Photo of Andy Doan

Posted on Oct 9, 2020 by Andy Doan

3 min read

A fairly common question I get asked is how Factory devices securely pull container images from our Docker Registry, It's kind of interesting, so I thought I'd explain.

Photo of Andy Doan

Posted on Aug 6, 2020 by Andy Doan

3 min read

2020-07-27T23:52:33 UTC marked a milestone at Foundries, the 1000th build of the LMP was triggered. This got me nostalgic and I’ve put together a list of our "greatest hits" .

Photo of Ian Drew

Posted on Jul 7, 2020 by Ian Drew

2 min read

I was on a video call with a customer last week when they said, “there is only one F in Foundries” - I’m dyslexic, so I had to just spend a second or two to think about that.

OTA Updates

What's a Target?

Photo of Andy Doan

Posted on May 14, 2020 by Andy Doan

4 min read

A Foundries Factory is a unique new concept. Conceptualizing a Factory can sometimes seem difficult. I've encountered this enough to see a common problem - we are looking at things the wrong way.

Photo of Andy Doan

Posted on Apr 17, 2020 by Andy Doan

4 min read

Back in December, we laid out a roadmap for container orchestration. Then the dust settled from the Docker spinoff . What we now know is that Docker Apps is an inactive project .