Zephyr microPlatform
No changes.
61 patches total:
- start commit: 247330d6 ("net: fix errno returned without promiscuous mode support").
- end commit: 39e177c2 ("[FIO fromtree] sanitycheck: Add a "test-only" option").
9 patches total:
- start commit: 704b8ba4 ("boot: serial recovery: Add pca10090 default detect pin").
- end commit: 086c9150 ("[FIO mergeup] Merge 'JuulLabs-OSS/master' into foundriesio/master").
No changes.
Linux microPlatform
- Aktualizr updated to revision c50feb3703
- Bash updated to the 5.0 release
- Bitbake updated to the 1.42.0 release
- Git updated to the 2.21.0 release
- Linux-lmp updated to the v5.0.17 stable release
- Python3 updated to the 3.7.3 release
- Qemu updated to the 4.0.0 release
- Removed support for DragonBoard 410c and 820c
- Systemd updated to the 242 release
- U-Boot updated to the v2019.04 release
- U-boot-imx updated to the 2018.03 release
Layer Updates
OpenEmbedded Core
- Bash updated to 5.0
- Binutils fixes for CVE-2019-9074, CVE-2019-9075, CVE-2019-9076 and CVE-2019-9077
- Bison updated to 3.1
- Coreutils updated to 8.31
- Dtc updated to 1.5.0
- Fontconfig updated to 2.13.1
- Gcc fixes for CVE-2018-18484
- Gdb fixes for CVE-2017-9778
- Git updated to 2.21.0
- Gnupg updated to 2.2.15
- Icu updated to 64.2
- Iptables updated to 1.8.2
- Iw updated to 5.0.1
- Libsolv updated to 0.7.4
- Libxml2 updated to 2.9.9
- Libyaml updated to 0.2.2
- Linux-yocto/4.19 updated to v4.19.34
- Linux-yocto/5.0 updated to v5.0.7
- Lz4 updated to 1.9.0
- Openssh fixes for CVE-2018-20685, CVE-2019-6109 and CVE-2019-6111
- Perl updated to 5.28.2
- Pixman updated to 0.38.4
- Python3-numpy updated to 1.16.2
- Python3-setuptools updated to 41.0.1
- Python3-pip updated to 19.0.3
- Python3-pygobject updated to 3.32.0
- Python3 updated to 3.7.3
- Qemu updated to 4.0.0
- Sqlite3 updated to 3.28.0
- Subversion updated to 1.12.0
- Systemd updated to 242
- U-boot updated to 2019.04
- Vala updated to 0.44.3
- Vim updated to 8.1.1240
- Wget updated to 1.20.3
- Wpa-supplicant updated to 2.8
Meta OpenEmbedded
- Hostapd updated to 2.8
- Hwdata updated to 0.322
- Networkmanager-openvpn updated to 1.8.10
- Ntp updated to 4.2.8p13
- Openvpn updated to 2.4.7
- Python-alembic updated to 1.0.9
- Python-cffi updated to 1.12.3
- Python-cython updated to 0.29.7
- Python-decorator updated to 4.4.0
- Python-editor updated to 1.0.4
- Python-hyperlink updated to 19.0.0
- Python-jinja2 updated to 2.10.1
- Python-lxml updated to 4.3.3
- Python-mako updated to 1.0.9
- Python-mock updated to 3.0.5
- Python-msgpack updated to 0.6.1
- Python-paste updated to 3.0.8
- Python-pbr updated to 5.2.0
- Python-pip updated to 19.1
- Python-psutil updated to 5.6.2
- Python-py updated to 1.8.0
- Python-pyasn1 updated to 0.4.5
- Python-pymongo updated to 3.8.0
- Python-pyopenssl updated to 19.0.0
- Python-pyperclip updated to 1.7.0
- Python-pytz updated 2019.1
- Python-rfc3987 updated to 1.3.8
- Python-twisted updated to 19.2.0
- Python-zopeinterface updated to 4.6.0
- Wpan-tools updated to 0.9
Meta Virtualization
- Libvirt updated to 5.3.0
- Netns updated to v0.5.3
Meta Intel
- Gmmlib updated to 19.1.2
- Intel-media-driver updated to 19.1.0
- Ixgbevf updated to 4.5.3
- Linux-intel-rt/4.19 updated to v4.19.31
- Mkl-dnn updated to 0.18.1
Meta Freescale
- U-boot-imx updated to 2018.03
Meta Updater
- Aktualizr updated to revision c50feb3703
Meta LMP
- Linux-lmp updated to v5.0.17
- Removed support for dragonboard-410c and dragonboard-820c
Bump container versions
- Added python3
- Added py3-requests
- Added py3-idna
- Added py3-certifi
- Added py3-urllib3
- Added py3-chardet
- Added gdbm
- Changed openjdk8-jre-base 8.201.08-r1 -> 8.212.04-r0
- Changed openjdk8-jre-lib 8.201.08-r1 -> 8.212.04-r0
- Changed openjdk8-jre-base 8.201.08-r1 -> 8.212.04-r0
- Changed openjdk8-jre-lib 8.201.08-r1 -> 8.212.04-r0
- Changed shadow 4.5-r0 -> 4.5-r1
- Changed openjdk8-jre-base 8.201.08-r1 -> 8.212.04-r0
- Changed openjdk8-jre-lib 8.201.08-r1 -> 8.212.04-r0
- Changed libpng 1.6.35-r0 -> 1.6.37-r0
- Changed python2 2.7.15-r3 -> 2.7.16-r1
- Added sqlite-libs
- Added libxi
- Added alsa-lib
- Added nspr
- Added giflib
- Added libxcb
- Added libxtst
- Added openjdk8-jre
- Added freetype
- Added libxdmcp
- Added libx11
- Added nss
- Added libxcomposite
- Added libxext
- Added libpng
- Added libxrender
- Added libbsd
- Added libxau
- Added libbz2
- Removed libgcc
- Changed bind-libs 9.12.3_p4-r2 -> 9.12.4_p1-r1
- Changed bind 9.12.3_p4-r2 -> 9.12.4_p1-r1
- Changed libpng 1.6.35-r0 -> 1.6.37-r0
- Changed python2 2.7.15-r3 -> 2.7.16-r1
- Changed python3 3.6.6-r0 -> 3.6.8-r0
- Changed nginx 1.14.2-r0 -> 1.14.2-r1
- Changed libpng 1.6.35-r0 -> 1.6.37-r0
- Changed openssh-keygen 7.9_p1-r4 -> 7.9_p1-r5
- Changed lua5.3-libs 5.3.5-r1 -> 5.3.5-r2
- Changed openssh-server-common 7.9_p1-r4 -> 7.9_p1-r5
- Changed openssh-sftp-server 7.9_p1-r4 -> 7.9_p1-r5
- Changed openssh-server 7.9_p1-r4 -> 7.9_p1-r5
- Changed openssh 7.9_p1-r4 -> 7.9_p1-r5
- Changed openssh-client 7.9_p1-r4 -> 7.9_p1-r5
- Changed file 5.35-r0 -> 5.36-r0
- Changed libmagic 5.35-r0 -> 5.36-r0
- Changed python2 2.7.15-r3 -> 2.7.16-r1
- Changed python3 3.6.6-r0 -> 3.6.8-r0
- Changed python3 3.6.6-r0 -> 3.6.8-r0
- Changed python2 2.7.15-r3 -> 2.7.16-r1
- Removed libgcc
- Added mesa-dri-vc4
- Changed libpng 1.6.35-r0 -> 1.6.37-r0
- Changed ttf-font-awesome 4.7.0-r1 -> 5.8.2-r0