Continuing with the OTA blog series part one and part two, this article shows you how to deploy OTA Connect using the OTA Community Edition into Google's Kubernetes Engine (GKE). After completion of these instructions, you'll have an OTA Connect server available on the internet with a single QEMU device registered to it.
You'll need a few things in place to be able to deploy this to GKE:
- An account with the Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
- A Project defined in your GCP account.
- Git and Docker to run the deployment scripts.
It's also highly recommended that you are able to add DNS records to a domain you own. Otherwise, you'll have to edit /etc/hosts to access the services.
OTA Community Edition deploys several micro-services to Kubernetes. However, it doesn't come with any built-in security. The approach taken by this article is to expose the unsafe services via a single nginx reverse-proxy. This will make it obvious what services need to be locked down. Part four of the blog series will describe an approach for securing the reverse-proxy. When the deployment is completed, you'll have a system with these caveats:
- INSECURE - Anyone can push to the TreeHub
- INSECURE - Anyone can access and manage devices via the web application
Part 4 of the blog series will go into the details of securing everything.
One-Time Only Steps
First get the OTA Community Edition source. This article relies on 3 out-of-tree patches to streamline the process:
git clone -b ota-blog-part3
cd ota-community-edition
# If you are curious about the out-of-tree patches:
git log -3
OTA Community Edition has several dependencies that aren't easy to install. This article uses a container provided by the project to make things easier. If you have the tools installed locally you can always skip this step and call things like kubectl
and gcloud
# Build the container:
With the container in place, you need to configure the gcloud
tools to use your GCP project:
EXTRA_ARGS="-it" ./contrib/gke/gcloud auth login
./contrib/gke/gcloud config set project <YOUR PROJECT>
# You can use any GCP region you wish below
./contrib/gke/gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-c
Deploy OTA Connect
The ota-blog-part3 branch of OTA Community Edition includes a helper script to deploy OTA Connect. The script isn't very long and is worth taking a close look at to understand the mechanics of deploying OTA Connect. Deploying is as simple as:
Set up DNS
You now need DNS entries in place to access the OTA server. Add the following entries into your DNS management tool:
# Get the IP of the nginx reverse-proxy:
./contrib/gke/kubectl get svc reverse-proxy
# Point these entries at the reverse-proxy IP:
tuf-reposerver.<DNS_NAME>, treehub.<DNS_NAME>, app.<DNS_NAME>
# Get the IP of the device gateway:
./contrib/gke/kubectl get svc gateway-service
# Point <SERVER_NAME> at this IP
If you don't have real DNS in place, you can hack your /etc/hosts with something like:
# A quick entry generator for /etc/hosts:
echo $(./contrib/gke/kubectl get svc reverse-proxy -o json | jq -r '.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip') treehub.<DNS_NAME> tuf-reposerver.<DNS_NAME> app.<DNS_NAME>
As a sanity check, you can validate everything is working with:
curl http://tuf-reposerver.<DNS_NAME>/api/v1/user_repo/targets.json
curl http://treehub.<DNS_NAME>/api/v3/config
Secure the TUF Keys
OTA Connect is running and exposed to the internet. The nginx reverse-proxy has no built-in security and the TUF private keys are available to anyone. This can be fixed even though the reverse-proxy has no authentication/authorization logic. In fact, it's a great example of how TUF protects you from the leaking of a private key. The ota-blog-part3 branch includes a script to make it easy:
Upload an Image
Uploading an image is a great way to validate the server is working and will be needed when you register a device:
# if you hacked /etc/hosts then include "--network host"
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/build --workdir=/build opensourcefoundries/aktualizr \
ota-publish -m intel-corei7-64 -c ./generated/ -r ./intel-corei7-64-ostree_repo.tar.bz2
Register a Device
OTA Connect requires implicit provisioning. Creating a device is fairly easy:
# DEVICE_ID = The name of the device to appear in OTA Community Edition
# SERVER_NAME = Your gateway server. eg
./contrib/gke/make SERVER_NAME=<SERVER_NAME> DEVICE_ID=<DEVICE_ID> SKIP_CLIENT=true new-client
Configuring your device is fairly simple. Remote access, however, isn't always the same. Here are the files you'll need to copy to your device:
- generated/
/server_ca.pem to /var/sota/root.crt - generated/
/client.pem /var/sota/client.pem - generated/
/pkey.pem /var/sota/pkey.pem
If you haven't set up DNS entries, you'll need to add a line to /etc/hosts on the target device. The public IP comes from the gateway-service:
./contrib/gke/kubectl get svc gateway-service -o json \
| jq -r '.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip'
# /etc/hosts on target would get something like: <ip-from-comand-above>
Finally create a /var/sota/sota.toml on your target device:
# /var/sota/sota.toml
server = ""
ca_source = "file"
pkey_source = "file"
cert_source = "file"
server = ""
p12_password = ""
expiry_days = "36000"
provision_path = ""
primary_ecu_hardware_id = "intel-corei7-64"
polling = true
# NOTE - this might need to change depending on your CPU
primary_ecu_hardware_id = "intel-corei7-64"
director_server = ""
repo_server = ""
key_source = "file"
type = "ostree"
ostree_server = ""
packages_file = "/usr/package.manifest"
type = "sqlite"
path = "/var/sota/"
tls_cacert_path = "/var/sota/root.crt"
tls_pkey_path = "/var/sota/pkey.pem"
tls_clientcert_path = "/var/sota/client.pem"